The Return

hello there!  remember me?  didn’t think so.

regardless, I’m back, people! back and ready to party…well…blog.  As summer has officially made its glorious reentry, I find myself with all this extra time and little to fill it with.  Actually, that’s not true at all.  But I do love writing, and I like writing to my friends and about my friends and for my friends.  So here we go, friends!

What’s a summer without a checklist?  This season begs for adventure, wouldn’t you say?  I’ve just begun one for myself and with some sweet friends of mine.  Oxford Summer 2012 is sure to not be a disappointment.

Here are some things I’m excited about in the coming months:

1) Mornings in the yard

2) Taking my dog, Oscar on walks – or sprints, depending on his energy

3) Visiting my far away friends

4) Family vacation to the mountains

5) ROCKBRIDGE (two times! high fives all around!)

6) Continuing in my quest to be a baker, a really talented baker (hopefully creating a delicious dessert that includes chili powder, because I love chili powder)

7) Moving in to 230 W. Church Street and decorating our HOUSE  with my BEAUTIFUL HOUSEMATES!

maybe it’s pinterest, maybe I’m old fashioned, but I truly love the idea of making food and decorating a house well. Here’s some inspiration:

pantry from decor pad. dying.

beautiful bathroom storage via houzz

i can’t wait to have a dining room like this one. or at all.

quickly, lastly – something I’ve noticed about blogs.  SO MANY bloggers claim a relationship to Jesus, which is great, I think, don’t you?  I’m glad Heaven will be full of crafters.